
The Presidential Look

As part of my gathering of the Presidential office, Sergeant Fluffy Town and I decided that my look would need to drastically change into something more presidential. I went through tons of ideas and ended up stealing a bunch of makeup from Spherx and Cora…yes Cora uses makeup and we all know Spherx has been botoxing for years. Anyway, I took all that I could and decided to model my look after the most presidential and striking figures of America’s history. After watching every video I could and getting side tracked by a bunch of Flat Earth videos, I found my main influences. First and foremost would be our current and supreme leader, Donald Trump and his classy and sophisticated tanned hide. I felt people would be more comfortable with something they know. Next I would Andrew Jackson and his fluffy white hair and amazing sayings. “You are a den of vipers and thieves!” Man such a cool saying. Next I would take the nose and jowls of Richard Nixon, he spoke with such flappery that I feel like it is a mouth echo and makes people pay attention. And lastly I will model all my suits after Chester A. Aurther and his lovely mutton chops. Mac seems to think I am a little over the top with all of this but I am thinking that this is going to nail my style into people’s heads.

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