
The COVID Chronicles – Part 3

Okay… so this is fucked up. Remember that guy who was putting nails into that can? Well, just as I approached him, the can blew up! His face is pretty much gone and he has no hands. But because I was so close to him when it happened, I now have the nails IN me! Ow, it fucking hurts! But I counted 7 so I think I have enough to finish the throne. I’m gonna stay on the trail to find more just to have extra in case anything goes wrong during the build. I DO NOT WANT TO COME BACK OUT HERE anytime soon! Owie owie owie! This is going to make my search go even slower. Better move into the sewer so no one sees me walk like an idiot. If the super-wolves see me as weak, they’ll take me for sure.

So, here’s the thing about sewer travel: Obviously it stinks. But IC smells worse than a sewer so I’m used to it. What people don’t know is that sewers are way smaller than they’re depicted in movies. They show people and mutant turtles walking upright through them, plenty of headroom, never flowing with sewage. NOT TRUE! Often raging with sewage and my head pretty much almost reaches the top. I’m lucky today that their is no flow on this path but I have to be alert because that could change any minute. Don’t wanna get these nail wounds infected.

I AM taking this time to pick up other oddities as I go. Sure, it’s like a flea market of human waste, but some pretty amazing stuff does make it’s way down here. I found a hairless baby doll head for Cora, a rocking horse without the rails for IC, a bucket of mostly eaten KFC for Mac, another calculator permanently stuck on 58008 for Bug, and a cross for Patches because that asshole hasn’t written anything for the site in forever so FUCK HIM! Zombies hate crosses right? That’s the lore?

Okay, I’m starting to get woozy… better find a safe place to pass out… before I…

Monkey Business

Spherx has been acting very strange recently and actually leaving the domain. What is he up to I wondered for about 10 seconds until I saw Cora stuffing a pillow with extra fluff…What is she up to…I wondered for about 10 seconds before I looked over at Mac who was also stuffing a pillow with extra fluff…What the hell is going on? 

Suddenly out of the silence came a loud burst of sound in Cora’s direction, it sounded like a bunch of howling Gibbon Monkeys. Before I could even register it Cora jumped from the shadows, with loud monkey sounds, and began to swing the fluffed up pillow in Mac’s direction. As I turned my gaze towards Mac he too was making Gibbon Monkey sounds and quickly leaped towards the oncoming Cora.

A flurry of pillow blows occurred, bang, whap, smack. Mac tumbled to the ground panting and said, “Is that all you got?” followed by a series of Gibbon sounds. Cora responded with, “I can do this all day fat boy”.

Now don’t ask me why but this was super entertaining so I just sat there stunned without wondering the cause. They continued to trade blows until Cora rolled away with a superhero pose and heavy breathing-ly pushed out, “What do you want for dinner Mac? I chose yesterday and it is now your day to choose!”

Mac retorted, “I chose Shepards Pie yesterday!”

This made me realize that Mac and Cora are doing it…like a lot…Hey look Spherx is back! Better have got me my Hungry Man Dinners!!! Oh god he smells like Pillow farts!

The COVID Chronicles – Part 2

I can still hear the howls at 8pm. They aren’t as frequent, but they’re there. They must be in retreat because it seems humanity is making a comeback. As I shelter from the super-wolves, another presence has stormed the streets. It’s human vs. human as a faction of them yell “No justice! No peace!” and are met with force by their opposition. Not sure which side is representing what. Some have signs that say “Black Lives Matter” and the other side says “Blue Lives Matter” or “All Lives Matter”, which is stupid because, actually, NO lives matter but if they did, fur lives would matter the most! But the side without weapons seems to be airing some grievances while the side with weapons and armor just beat the shit out of them for sport, so I can’t follow any of it.

I’ve always dreamed of using these tactics on everyone back at the domain (especially IC) but seeing it actually happen, I think maybe attacking everyone, unprovoked, might unnecessarily escalate things. Now that I think about it, rapping Mac across the mouth over burnt cauliflower bites might send him over the edge and, who knows, he might molotov cocktail my room. Maybe I’ll just institute a decree that everyone at the domain has to stay in their rooms after 9pm? Yeah! That way I can make sure no one is sneaking into my room to burn it down when I’m asleep. This plan is fool proof! I am a genius, as always.

I’d better get some boards and nails to block my door… oh right! I’m already on a quest for nails for my throne! Oooo! I see one guy stuffing a bunch of nails into a tin can… and now he’s lighting the can on fire!? Better catch him before they melt… I need those nails.

The COVID Chronicles – Part 1

So, I was finally building my throne in a secret place in the warehouse where IC could never find it when I suddenly found myself short on nails. Now, our website has been disconnected for seven years (totally Bug’s fault because he wanted a fiber connection and I told him no and then he tried to download 20 terabytes of dumb scientific journals on our existing connection and then I shot an arrow into the router while battling IC to the death… so yeah… his fault for putting that router there) so none of us have any idea what the outside world has been like for all this time. And I NEEDED those nails!

So, I broke protocol and left the domain, risking exposure to humanity and putting myself in harm’s way which is something totally brave and should be admired by everybody in the warehouse. To my surprise, as I opened the loading dock and the warm sun gleamed across my face for the first time in almost a decade, there was nothing except a tumbleweed that blew across the parking lot at just that perfect moment. No people. No cars. No noise. Just the sound of nature… the wind… rattling a pile of pee jugs I told Mac to dispose of. And the scent… of pee.

Where was everybody?

I ventured further into our new apocalyptic wasteland and soon I heard the howls of wolves! I took shelter! It continued for what seemed like hours (because fear) but was really maybe two minutes. Since then, I’ve heard their screams every night EXACTLY at 8pm. With humans out of the way, surely the wolves must be organizing their takeover. As leader, I must prepare the domain to defend themselves! But I needed those nails first, so I continued onward through the concrete jungle…

Until… there it was! A board with a single nail in it… attached to a cluster of boards holding up a sign that read: Maintain social distancing of up to 6 feet. Please wear a mask. Thank you first responders!

As I dismantled the sign, collected the nails, and walked back to the domain I couldn’t help but wonder what the message meant. What had happened during the passed seven years that cleansed the world of humanity? What would force people to remain 6 feet apart from each other and wear a mask? Who are the First Responders and why are they seemingly regarded as heroes?

As I reached for the warehouse door, it finally hit me. The shocking realization from connecting all the dots caused me to drop all the nails in slow-mo and my pupils to narrow.


6-foot tall super-wolves! Whose gaze can suck out your soul unless you wear a mask!

And they’re organizing. They’ve exterminated humanity and now they’re desperate, starving, searching for any remaining meat before they turn on each other for sustenance!

We must fortify the domain, do some martial arts training, and make contact with the First Responders or I fear we will be their next meal.


It is soooooo hot! Spherx will not turn down the temperature in the Domain, he keeps saying you need to learn to appreciate the money we spend. I will tell you this, I am so hot I have lost tons of weight. So much so that it is beginning to affect my work. How am I supposed to keep these sexy pics coming for my fans. Well I decided that I will need to find a way to keep cool. I resorted to living inside of Mac’s second fridge.The problem is that I got so bored in there that I started eating everything and then I began to rate them.  As I had no idea what anything was I  just referred to them as the date Mac put on everything. Here are my reviews so far. 

01/05/2020 – Hints of pine cones and sour milk with an after taste of corn starch and salted gooseberries. One star

01/08/2020 – Notes of vomit and baby diapers, I suffered the whole time. Negative One Star

02/04/2020 – Almost a Coffee flavored milk with a hairy barrage of cabbage crunch. Two Stars

03/01/2020 – Poop flavor with stylings of elderberry syrup. One Star

05/29/2020 – Pretty sure this one is just melted tootsie pop suckers. Five Stars

All in all I would say he has some interesting stuff in here. But nothing to write home about.

Dance Baby Dance

I have been watching a lot of videos on Youtube…Like a lot a lot. Mostly what my viewing history consists of recently are these dance videos where they make dances to songs and get all spicy. I have been watching so many that I decided I should learn to dance. In order to do this correctly I would need to enlist at least one backup dancer who I am for sure better than. The obvious choices would be Cora and Spherx, but I have this deep down feeling that Cora can actually dance and Spherx is you know…So I went with Mac. It took a little convincing as he kept going on and on about this dumpling stew he was making, but he eventually joined me. I showed him the video of that girl who got a boob job but can really dance…you know the Jade Chynoweth…the one that has the trying on clothes videos. Yeah that one. And in place of doing the dance video we stayed up all night watching her videos and others. Maybe later I can learn to do the dancing stuff and add it to my repertoire of things I do. I really just want to be able to swan jump into someone’s hands as they raise me to the sky.

The Presidential Look

As part of my gathering of the Presidential office, Sergeant Fluffy Town and I decided that my look would need to drastically change into something more presidential. I went through tons of ideas and ended up stealing a bunch of makeup from Spherx and Cora…yes Cora uses makeup and we all know Spherx has been botoxing for years. Anyway, I took all that I could and decided to model my look after the most presidential and striking figures of America’s history. After watching every video I could and getting side tracked by a bunch of Flat Earth videos, I found my main influences. First and foremost would be our current and supreme leader, Donald Trump and his classy and sophisticated tanned hide. I felt people would be more comfortable with something they know. Next I would Andrew Jackson and his fluffy white hair and amazing sayings. “You are a den of vipers and thieves!” Man such a cool saying. Next I would take the nose and jowls of Richard Nixon, he spoke with such flappery that I feel like it is a mouth echo and makes people pay attention. And lastly I will model all my suits after Chester A. Aurther and his lovely mutton chops. Mac seems to think I am a little over the top with all of this but I am thinking that this is going to nail my style into people’s heads.


Well it is that time again, you know the time to begin to think about voting. After a long time sitting on the sidelines I think it is finally time for me to put my hat in the ring. So today I officially announce my candidacy for President of the United States of America. I know I am excited to, but in doing this I will need a staff of people to assist me in my Campaign. Sergeant Fluffy Town is already on board as is Mac, so off to a good start. Mac suggested that we come up with a slogan that people can unite behind. I guess that is a good idea, so me and Sergeant Fluffy Town began to work. We stayed up strategizing the reach-ability, the ease of speech, the simplest way to bring a maximum message. In the end I think we came up with an amazing slogan, something that really speaks to the people. What is that slogan you ask? “There Can be Only One” I am sure you see how amazing this is. 

Further detailing how my campaign would go; basically, as Sergeant Fluffy Town puts it, there can be only one victor and all the rest must be slain in brutal combat. I have no idea where he got his idea from but let me tell you, the idea train has left the station and is running full steam ahead! We began working on our debate strategy and as it stands right now I think it is a winning one. Simply put after the first question I would ambush the enemy with my long sword and chop their head off, then lightning would strike me and I would gain their power. In the end I would be the one on top of the presidential throne. Ugh Cora is calling me, more later, but remember There can be only ONE!

The Idiot Bachelor

I cannot stop…I must not stop…So listen, I just found out about the show the Bachelor. Wow, all I can say is Wow! This guy Pete is one hell of a MAN! He can fly, he has good looks, and he has what seems to be what all ladies want! I was so not expecting to enjoy this as it is more…for the ladies…but I started watching with Cora and Spherx who kept trying to tell me I would hate it. Surprise! I love it! When they got all ridiculous about him spending more time with Hannah, I was all like, look he does what he wants! He is a Pilot! Cora and Spherx kept telling me to shut up, but they can stuff it. Well they left anyway to watch the finale without me, so here is my play by play. The In-laws…straight ballers. Dad is cool and Mom looks lovely in yellow, although black may not be her color. Hannah looks good she was my pick from the get go. Madison got a little too emotional for me so I would choose Hannah, I know you are all with me people. I finish, and what!!! He chose Hannah! Ah shit I was right!!! I go to the internet and see how they are getting along…yeah…well, spoiler alert, they are not…like at all…he chose Kelly…Kelly the same smile in every photo Kelly…ugh…I cannot take anymore drama…time to see what his mentally challenged doctor show is all about…wait, he is smart!!!!

Spherx and The “Job”

Ugh…What a week. Spherx thinks he is gonna get to me with his make the Domain great again thing…He made us all get jobs. Like actual jobs to pay for the things that happen around here. Well fuck him…So I wandered around town put in the hustle to get a stupid job since Spherx would not stop nagging me with it. Nothing was working out, like at all. No one seemingly wanted to hire an “illegal alien”, as they put it; air quotation marks and all. I went back to the Domain empty handed and Spherx AND Cora both gave me these long boring speeches about how I need to earn my keep and it is not fair that THEY pay for everything. Look, I know Spherx does stuff, what, I am not sure, but stuff. Cora on the other hand I never see doing anything, she just shows up with money. I decided to snoop around and find out what she has been up to. First I checked her mail, and then burned it, because you know she is mean. When she left for “work” I wandered into her room and found her computer open with a web page called open. Upon scrolling I just saw dong, after dong, after dong. “Wait” I thought “I can get paid for showing my furry gherkin!” I promptly signed up for an account and am adding pictures. I was thinking about trying video, but that will be once I have some fans or requests. I promptly walked over to Spherx and said “Congratulate me! I got a JOB!” and stormed off. I do not want him to ask any questions as well and I want nothing from Cora. Okay time to post some more Dick Droppers. Here in case I forget where it is

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