Well it is that time again, you know the time to begin to think about voting. After a long time sitting on the sidelines I think it is finally time for me to put my hat in the ring. So today I officially announce my candidacy for President of the United States of America. I know I am excited to, but in doing this I will need a staff of people to assist me in my Campaign. Sergeant Fluffy Town is already on board as is Mac, so off to a good start. Mac suggested that we come up with a slogan that people can unite behind. I guess that is a good idea, so me and Sergeant Fluffy Town began to work. We stayed up strategizing the reach-ability, the ease of speech, the simplest way to bring a maximum message. In the end I think we came up with an amazing slogan, something that really speaks to the people. What is that slogan you ask? “There Can be Only One” I am sure you see how amazing this is. 

Further detailing how my campaign would go; basically, as Sergeant Fluffy Town puts it, there can be only one victor and all the rest must be slain in brutal combat. I have no idea where he got his idea from but let me tell you, the idea train has left the station and is running full steam ahead! We began working on our debate strategy and as it stands right now I think it is a winning one. Simply put after the first question I would ambush the enemy with my long sword and chop their head off, then lightning would strike me and I would gain their power. In the end I would be the one on top of the presidential throne. Ugh Cora is calling me, more later, but remember There can be only ONE!

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