
The COVID Chronicles – Part 3

Okay… so this is fucked up. Remember that guy who was putting nails into that can? Well, just as I approached him, the can blew up! His face is pretty much gone and he has no hands. But because I was so close to him when it happened, I now have the nails IN me! Ow, it fucking hurts! But I counted 7 so I think I have enough to finish the throne. I’m gonna stay on the trail to find more just to have extra in case anything goes wrong during the build. I DO NOT WANT TO COME BACK OUT HERE anytime soon! Owie owie owie! This is going to make my search go even slower. Better move into the sewer so no one sees me walk like an idiot. If the super-wolves see me as weak, they’ll take me for sure.

So, here’s the thing about sewer travel: Obviously it stinks. But IC smells worse than a sewer so I’m used to it. What people don’t know is that sewers are way smaller than they’re depicted in movies. They show people and mutant turtles walking upright through them, plenty of headroom, never flowing with sewage. NOT TRUE! Often raging with sewage and my head pretty much almost reaches the top. I’m lucky today that their is no flow on this path but I have to be alert because that could change any minute. Don’t wanna get these nail wounds infected.

I AM taking this time to pick up other oddities as I go. Sure, it’s like a flea market of human waste, but some pretty amazing stuff does make it’s way down here. I found a hairless baby doll head for Cora, a rocking horse without the rails for IC, a bucket of mostly eaten KFC for Mac, another calculator permanently stuck on 58008 for Bug, and a cross for Patches because that asshole hasn’t written anything for the site in forever so FUCK HIM! Zombies hate crosses right? That’s the lore?

Okay, I’m starting to get woozy… better find a safe place to pass out… before I…

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