
Monkey Business

Spherx has been acting very strange recently and actually leaving the domain. What is he up to I wondered for about 10 seconds until I saw Cora stuffing a pillow with extra fluff…What is she up to…I wondered for about 10 seconds before I looked over at Mac who was also stuffing a pillow with extra fluff…What the hell is going on? 

Suddenly out of the silence came a loud burst of sound in Cora’s direction, it sounded like a bunch of howling Gibbon Monkeys. Before I could even register it Cora jumped from the shadows, with loud monkey sounds, and began to swing the fluffed up pillow in Mac’s direction. As I turned my gaze towards Mac he too was making Gibbon Monkey sounds and quickly leaped towards the oncoming Cora.

A flurry of pillow blows occurred, bang, whap, smack. Mac tumbled to the ground panting and said, “Is that all you got?” followed by a series of Gibbon sounds. Cora responded with, “I can do this all day fat boy”.

Now don’t ask me why but this was super entertaining so I just sat there stunned without wondering the cause. They continued to trade blows until Cora rolled away with a superhero pose and heavy breathing-ly pushed out, “What do you want for dinner Mac? I chose yesterday and it is now your day to choose!”

Mac retorted, “I chose Shepards Pie yesterday!”

This made me realize that Mac and Cora are doing it…like a lot…Hey look Spherx is back! Better have got me my Hungry Man Dinners!!! Oh god he smells like Pillow farts!

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