See Kay Why
Contrary to popular belief I do know how to use a human bathroom…Fuck you Cora for writing in the stall at Denny’s that I am a hopeless creeper who likes to pee of the seats in the women’s bathroom…yeah…you know what else, I saw you do it as well!…I know that it was you because I was there watching you do it…and I am the creeper…How did this whole feud start you ask. well it was about a month ago when I was playing around with Mac’s toy helicopter thingy when he came into his room holding a camera…I could not believe it!…I am a huge fan of Jackass and the like so we both came to the conclusion that we need to replicate some of the stunts on the show and also come up with some of our own…We locked Bug into the Port-o-potty, we duct-taped Spherx to his chair and flung him down a busy hill street, we video taped Cora peeing and then threw a fake baby covered in blood over the stall…it was nothing but comedy gold…gold!…but I guess the other ladies, Crazy psycho Cora included, did not really think that was funny and now I have to apologize by writing I am sorry notes in the stalls…to which was my own idea and and freaking great one at that!…So for the past week or so I have been dumping the trash in the ladies room and ever so often writing a poem or two on the stall wall…so far I think it is going well aside from Cora getting angry for all the trash being dumped in her room..