

It is no secret that Cora is not looking any younger these days. She recently approached me about a possible anti-aging solution, to which I explained one had not been invented yet and she only had cosmetic options if she hoped to look less dog-like. That is when she challenged me by proclaiming that if I was half of the scientist that I claimed to be, I could formulate an anti-aging serum for her and the rest of the world. Naturally I accepted the challenge.

To begin my experiment, I researched many possible sources of what could be considered the embodiment of youth. There is rumored to be a fountain in Florida that grants youth to whoever drinks from it, but because I cannot currently travel there, I ruled it out. I revised my line of thinking and focused on things that are young, like children, which led me to ask, “What is younger than children?”

“Babies!” I shouted upon noting my epiphany. “Could there be anything younger than babies?” Then I had my revelation. Sperm. Sperm is younger than fully-birthed babies. It stood to reason that if I could harness some sperm and transfer it into Cora’s face, I could reverse her aging. So while Mac was asleep, I drugged him and performed surgery on his scrotum, removing the testicles and extracting the sperm. Not to worry, I put them back when I was done and placed an icepack on his crotch. He still doesn’t know what happened but he’s been really cranky ever since.

Thus, I have created Scrotox! I have not tested it yet, but I am pretty sure that once I get the serum mixture correct, injecting it into Cora’s face will cause a regressive-aging reaction. However, it won’t be perfect. In theory, it should only tighten her skin only in cold temperatures and the rest of the time, sag even worse than now. And she might have to shave more often. I cannot wait to show Cora my findings.

Cora Had A Baby

So there I was conducting another meeting on ways to get money, when I looked down the far end of the conference table and saw Cora feeding a baby. A number of things rushed through my mind and then out my mouth. First, “Is that a stupid baby? No babies at meetings!” Second, “Why does Cora have a baby?” Third, “Is that a human baby? I only ask because it looks so ugly.” Most of these thoughts made her cry and then get angry at me as she tried to explain. She said it was hers but I have my doubts because I can’t imagine anybody wanting to father a child with her. Plus, Mac was sitting right next to her and he claims it looked human but with fur pasted on it’s body and seemed to be wearing a headband with antennae attached to it. I couldn’t verify this because I didn’t want to go near the damn thing. Mac usually doesn’t lie so I’m inclined to believe him.

After some more yelling, I finally got Cora to admit she found the thing in a dumpster in the alley and claimed it as her own. Despite this, IC insisted that he was the father. Cora vehemently denied having sex with IC and proclaimed, “I would rather set fire to my own uterus and infect my eggs with ebola than ever have sex with you!” Still, IC was convinced that she probably got pregnant by accidentally using a sock he jerked off into as a makeshift tampon. Therefore, the baby “would and should be his.”

So, while Cora was asleep, IC snuck into her room and took the baby. IC always wanted to have a father and son bonding moment so he decided to take the child (who he then named Idiot Chittix Jr. the Second) fishing. Unfortunately, IC has never gone fishing before, so, in the early hours of the morning when the fish are mostly likely to be feeding, he stepped out onto the edge of the pier with IC Jr. tied to the end of a fishing pole made from a tree branch. “We’re gonna catch a fish today son, but you gotta learn teamwork first.” IC explained to not-really-his-son. IC dangled Junior off the pier and told him to grab the first fish that jumped for him. “Can you say barracuda IC Jr.? Bear-a-coon-duh!” he instructed.

This didn’t last long as, not surprisingly, the fishing stick snapped and IC Jr. plummeted into the cold water and didn’t resurface. “Yeah, probably wasn’t my son. My son would have been able to catch a fish.” he reflected before dropping the other half of the stick and walking home.

Cora was pretty devastated when she found out what happened. I haven’t seen her leave her room for days.

I warned her not to bring babies to meetings.

500 Dates of Cora

First off, I wanna make it clear that this is not a review. This is a story about a review. Spherx stood outside the theatre paying for his ticket when suddenly, Cora showed up.

Well, looks like I’m alone for this review. No one else at the domain would go with me. It’s probably for the best since a group of dudes coming to this movie would be worse.

Hey Spherx!

Cora? Fancy seeing you here.

Fancy seeing you here? Who greets anyone like that anymore?

Um, uh…

So what movie are you here to see?

500 Days of Summer. You know how much I like indie flicks!

5 minutes later… Spherx tip-toes through the dark theatre looking for Cora, balancing a mountain of snacks in his arms.



Through my essential leadership, I keep this ship moving… although I was in charge when our ship crashed… but that’s not important because I am the the leader. Everyone else will probably tell you I’m self-centered and egotisitcal, but they’re just jealous of my greatness. It was my idea to create this site based off of watching Bug discover what the internet was. Without the site, I’m sure we’d all be feral animals eating each other alive to survive on this strange planet of yours.
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